Mass will be offered at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 10am. drett Funeral Home, 353 2nd Ave, (at 20th St), until Mon.

Services were held privately.īRILL‐Hubert. Beloved son of the late Henry and Ella Brill. Beloved grandmother and greatingrandmothīR ILL‐Hubert. Beloved wife of Rev.Jacob Breitman and devoted mother of Ruth and Irw‐. Services at “The Riverside”, 76 St & Amsterdam Ave, Sunday, 1:45 PM.īR EITMAN‐Hilda, died suddenly, November 24, 1977. G‐sberg, Dean (on leave) Sidney Berengarten, Acting Dean CUSSWīISSMAN‐Celia, loving aunt of Mart‐ Fass, Sylvia !ladle, Audrey Weiss and Fanva Lawrence. She was a great social worker, en ‐spiring teacher, and a beautiful hunan being Mitchell I. The mem‘ bars of the faculty and Alumni Association of The Columbia University School of Social Work are deeply saddened by the death of their dear friend and colleague, Lucille Nichols Aust‐. 120 Clairmont Avenue NYC.ĪUSTIN‐Lucille Nichols. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to The Manhattan School of Music. Jam.: ilurch, Madison Avenue & 71st Street Monday 11AM. Interment Mount Ararat Cemetery.ĪNDERSON‐Helen James, wife of the late Henry H. Private services were held Friday, November 25, 1977.