You can adjust the timing of a Transition effect by dragging the edges just as you would trim a clip. To the people of the corn who built… Perfect. I'll release the mouse button and there's our Cross Dissolve. And you'll notice that these durations differ slightly and that's because there's more leftover material for that Kids rolling a tire.mp4 shot than there is for the Forest Timelapse.mp4 shot and these Transition effects are applied by using the unused media. I can position this at the beginning of the second clip, in the middle or at the end of the first. And before I release the mouse you can see that I've got a highlight showing where the effect is going to be dropped. I'm going to just resize the Project panel slightly so we can see the tab for the Effects panel and I'm going to browse in to Video Transitions and Dissolve and now I'm going to drag this Cross Dissolve effect onto the joint between these two clips. To the people of the corn who built… It looks okay as a cut but I think it'd be interesting to put a Cross Dissolve in. I'm going to click back on the Timeline and play. I've got a cut here between the Kids rolling a tire.mp4 shot and this Forest Timelapse.mp4 Let's take a quick look at that cut. You also might choose to use Special Effect Transitions and there are lots to choose from including the most popular for video the Dissolve and the Crossfade for sound. The most common Transition is a Cut where one clip ends and the next clip begins immediately after it. Whenever a shot changes to another shot it's called a Transition.

Double-click on it to open it in Premiere Pro. You'll find that project file with the media associated with this lesson.
For this lesson, I'm working with the Premiere Pro project file 07_01 Add transition effects.prproj.